When loved ones die, it is often helpful to have mementos in honor of their memory. These things become a beloved treasure that’s passed down for years to come. One common keepsake when it comes to a deceased relative is hair. While it might sound unusual at first, humans have used hair as a type of keepsake for hundreds of years. When you think about it, many people have locks of hair from their first haircut as a baby- seems fitting we offer this keepsake option in house.
Because hair doesn’t decompose like other parts of the body, it’s become a symbol of eternal life and legacy. In Victorian times, hair was a common medium for creating unique works of art.
The easiest way to keep a lock of hair is in a glass vial. It allows you to still see and admire the colors, while keeping it safe. We create a keepsake like the one pictured above.
If you have a deceased loved one's lock of hair, you can send it in to be turned into a memorial diamond. After several months, you'll have a custom diamond that you can get set on a ring, necklace, or other jewelry. Eterneva creates lab-grown diamonds with about a half a cup of hair and allow you to pick from several cuts and colors for your gemstone. Even if you don't have enough hair to make a diamond, you can add other personal items that contain carbon, like personal notes, tissues, hair from a hairbrush, or cremated remains.
A hair necklace uses either metal or resin to seal the hair inside a medallion. This medallion is then used as part of a necklace, creating a stunning statement piece that always reminds you of your deceased loved one. My favorite, local artisan actually lives in Olympia. Her name is Angela, and she creates beautiful works of art as Wisp Adornments.
A more subtle option is to opt for a ring. Whether the hair is within the band or in a small focal point, a ring is a simple way to share your love. When combined with flowers, designs, and gems, this is a stunning work of art. Again, my favorite, local artisan actually lives in Olympia. Her name is Angela, and she creates beautiful works of art as Wisp Adornments.
If you have a picture frame, with a clear glass, you can use this to secure the hair and display it somewhere special. Place it next to a beloved photo or on its own with a lace background. Bubble frames are also a very interesting look.
Last but not least, store the hair of someone special in a keepsake box. This can be a box that only has the lock of hair, or you can include other mementos that matter to you or your loved one. Some other things to add to the keepsake box are photographs, the funeral card, handwritten letters, and poems your loved one liked. Invite other family members to add to the box as well. This is a great way to create something that pays tribute to their memory.